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Bobcats For Life is the Pro-Life organization at Texas State University. It is a long established group that was reactivated in 2009. The mission of Bobcats For Life is to promote life on the Texas State campus and in the community. Bobcats For Life is not a religious organization.
What is Bobcats For Life?
The organization, in keeping with our Pro-Life beliefs, respects all human life from conception until natural death. Abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment are opposed by our organization. We believe that respect for life is not just an anti-abortion issue, which is why we not only seek to help pregnant women, but help mothers in need after they have given birth to their children.
We utilize loving means to accomplish our goal of promoting life on campus and in our community. Some of the ways we have done this are:
Adopting families in need at Christmas.
Host a baby shower for an pregnant high school/college mother in need.
Hold a Community Baby Shower each semster where we collected over 150 baby items for Central Texas Life Care in San Marcos.
Participate in the annual Texas Rally for Life.
Tour local Pregnancy Resource Center and John Paul II life center.
Moment of silence in front of Planned Parenthood.
Host meetings that educate our members on the issues that concern us, such as abortion, and discuss ways that we can facilitate and encourage peaceful and loving dialogue across both sides of the issue.
Give away "Cupcakes For Life" on campus every semester. Free cupcakes are distributed to students in memory of the children who will not live to see their 1st birthday every single day.
Host "Cupcakes For Life" in honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Day and distributed fact sheets in order to promote respect for individuals who are living with Down Syndrome.
Host Pro-Life Speakers.
Table on campus to spread awarness of Pro-Life issues on the Texas state Campus such as, Abortion and other Pro-Life issues.
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